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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Commercial computer-aided design CAD and drafting software application. List of languages. Main article: AutoCAD version history. Retrieved 29 March Retrieved Archived from the original on 27 October Retrieved 24 January Interact went on to become the architectural basis for the early versions of AutoCAD. I was one of the original 18 founders of that company. Archived from the original on Automation in Construction.

Building information modeling and interoperability. ISSN Autodesk Developer Network. Retrieved January 14, April Retrieved January 29, Retrieved 11 August Retrieved 30 September The second is to install the keys using the Product Security Administrator on a remote Windows machine. The same user who starts the license server may also configure the license server for example, turn logging on and off.

For MPS 2. This variable specifies the name of the license server. It can be set to "localhost" if the current machine is the license server. MPI 6. With the introduction of MPI 6. With MPI 6. Since the release of MPS 2.

The Enterprise Dashboard will update automatically to show the licenses on the new server. If you start the Enterprise Dashabord while you are using a server that only has Commercial keys installed, the Dashboard will open but it will be entirely grayed-out.

You must ensure that you are using a license server that has Enterprise keys installed for correct operation of the Dashboard. MPS 2. This is called Mode switching. MPI editions from 6. If you are currently using a license server that has Enterprise license keys installed, your edition of MPI will switch to the Enterprise edition when you next run it.

If you change your license server to one that has Commercial, Academic or Student keys installed, your edition of MPI will switch to the Commercial, Academic or Student edition when you next run it. You need to have two different license servers. You need to point to a license server that has Enterprise license keys installed to work with MPI 6. For MPI 6.

A license server with Enterprise keys installed will accept MPA license keys. If you want to run the MPI 6. If troubleshooting information is required, it will be added to this section.

MPA 8. If you are using MPS 2. The on-line help system for the Moldflow Product Security Administrator appears. When the Enterprise Dashboard opens, click the Help button in the lower right hand corner. The on-line help system for the Enterprise Dashboard appears. You must ensure that all components of your MPS installations are in sync.

You will need to upgrade your license server from the Beta version, as well as any Beta version Enterprise Dashboards that you have installed previously. Table 1. Commercial licensing When a Moldflow client product such as Moldflow Plastics Insight MPI or Moldflow Plastics Advisers MPA attempts to perform an operation, it first checks whether a required license node-locked or floating is available on the license server.

Enterprise licensing In an Enterprise licensing system, a communal pool of licenses exists on a single license server. Note: You may not return non-orphaned tasks that are Active.

Check that you are using the correct license server. Check that you are using an appropriate version of Moldflow Product Security for the Moldflow client software on your machine. For example, MPI 6. The installation guide that came with your client software will specify the appropriate version of MPS to use. Sounds like a pirated software. Hey i am an engineering student and i need Autocad version only as it is used in my college i got this software from a senior with serial no.

So you have to go the same name all others do: during activation where you saw the request-code you see methods of how to activate direct through internet, by mail, by fax. I just download AutoCAD but i donot have my activision code. Additionally here in the forum is no place for auth-code-requests, you have either to contact your dealer or Autodesk through the subscription-center. BTW: don't think that Autodesk will send activation-codes without knowing who you are and what serial-number you have.

Can you please send me your serial number and request code via private message click on my screenanme camilo. Now I am no longer able to access the tool because I get an " error 11 " too many reactivations. I have installed this software only on my work PC and never tried to install it anywhere else.

I have contacted the help desk and they provided a new activation code, but it was only a temporary code, after some days I have the same problem and can't work.

Can you please let me know how to reset this activation status and have my software working properly? Subscription, Installation and Licensing. Previous Version Support. Share your knowledge, ask questions, and explore Previous Version Support topics. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Libri che si possono toccare, libri che si possono odorare, libri dai quali possiamo dipendere.

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This guide provides information to problems that may occur during and after the installation of Autodesk Network License Manager. With the new licensing system, all licenses are floating and customers will need new license keys which can be obtained from the Autodesk website. Legacy Moldflow products MPI 6. Legacy products will continue to be licensed using the MPS licensing system and although it will stay operational for existing customers, new development on MPS is not expected in the future.

The Autodesk Network License Manager cannot be installed on Linux platforms; however, Autodesk Moldflow Insight application software installed on Linux platforms can access licenses which are installed on Windows platforms. To successfully install Autodesk Network License Manager, you must reboot the server after the installation and setup of license keys.

When saving the license key, ensure you save the file using a text-only editor such as Notepad. When adding a new license, you must restart the license server. These steps should be performed using an administrator-level user account.

To install Autodesk Network License Manager, you must have administrator privileges. Ensure you are logged in as the Administrator. If you get a CD-StartUp Error , it means that you do not have administrator rights to install the software. Log in as Administrator, or run the installation as Administrator and then try again. On machines where the user has limited access permissions, it is necessary to run the license configuration tools as an Administrator.

This is achieved by right-clicking the tools icon and selecting Run as Administrator from the list of options. If these tools are run without administrator-level privileges, user modifications may not be saved correctly. The computer fails to recognise the installed license after rebooting the computer. There are two main causes for this:. By default, the Autodesk License Manager Moldflow Daemon service does not have any dependent services.

It actually depends on the FLEXlm service. Since the name of this service is controlled by the user, this dependency cannot be created automatically during installation or programmatically at runtime. If you find that the licenses are not recognised after rebooting your computer, you can manually create the dependency. You must wait at least 35 seconds before requesting a license.

It takes time for FLEXlm to respond to queries usually seconds per query , so the more licenses you have, the longer you need to wait. When either the Autodesk FlexLm server or the Autodesk License Manager Moldflow service cannot see the installed Autodesk Moldflow licenses, please check if the registry entries for the Autodesk FlexLm service are set up correctly. Always backup your registry before making any changes. Visit Microsoft Help and Support for help backing up your registry.

Ensure the following keys exist on the server, and their values are set correctly. Be sure to include the ' ' symbol where necessary. When using a firewall, port TCP must be open on the server to allow clients to reserve licenses. If the port is not open, you will get a License check timed out error when attempting to open the GUI.

Note : Port is hardcoded and cannot be changed. Consult the documentation provided with your firewall software for instructions on how to open these ports. When using a local license server, it is best to configure the license server as either the name localhost or as the IP address This ensures that network configuration changes will not affect licensing. After restarting the license server, it may take up to a minute for the services to re-initialize fully. During this time, attempts to check out licenses from the server may be rejected.

For detailed help about your Moldflow Product Security products, please see the built in on-line help systems. This troubleshooting guide contains only a short list of commonly asked questions about MPS. The following information provides solutions to some common questions about installing MPS.

Customers who participated in the MPS Beta program should be aware of the following information. If you wish to use Enterprise licensing, you must install an MPS 2. Please be careful when installing Moldflow client software other than MPI 6. You must have administrator privileges to install MPS on a machine. If you are experiencing difficulties installing MPS, please check that your user privileges are sufficient.

The device names and mount points may be different on your system. If necessary, consult your system administrator for the actual device names and mount points used at your site. The following information provides solutions to some common questions regarding licensing in MPS.

There are two licensing systems available with Moldflow Product Security. The differences between the two systems are explained below. When a Moldflow client product such as Moldflow Plastics Insight MPI or Moldflow Plastics Advisers MPA attempts to perform an operation, it first checks whether a required license node-locked or floating is available on the license server. If a license is available, the client product reserves the license in a first come, first served order.

The license is returned when the operation is complete. In an Enterprise licensing system, a communal pool of licenses exists on a single license server. These licenses are referred to as Tasks. A user must reserve a task from the communal pool before he or she undertakes an operation in a Moldflow client product. Only the tasks that the user has reserved for his or her personal use are available for that user. If the user does not have enough tasks to perform an operation, he or she must reserve more tasks.

Task reservation is performed using the Enterprise Dashboard. A list of the tasks required to perform particular operations is included in the online help system of the Enterprise Dashboard. See the "What Task do I need? If your Moldflow product crashes or you experience a hardware failure while you have a task reserved and in the Active state, the task will be "orphaned" and will not automatically be returned to the communal task pool.

You will need to recover any orphaned tasks manually. The orphaned task will be displayed as Active , but in this instance you may return it to the communal task pool. If, as a result of a hardware failure, you can no longer log into your machine, you may access your tasks from another machine:.

If a license or security error message appears, you should do the following. If you have installed license keys on your server but you can not see the server in the MPS Servers tab list, you may need to modify the settings on your firewall. If you are using Windows XP with Service Pack 2, the instructions below will guide you through the specific modifications that are necessary. You may encounter the following issues or messages during the license key install process.

You have either not applied for a license keyfile from Moldflow, or you have not extracted the license keyfile from the email sent to you by Moldflow. You should run this wizard on the computer that is to function as the server. When you receive an email from Moldflow regarding keyfiles, you should save the keyfile to your local machine. This message indicates that the same license key has already been installed on the Moldflow Product Security server that you specified.

You cannot re-install the same license key without first removing the old version. You have attempted to install the license key on a different server to that specified in the license keyfile. The license keyfile can only be installed on the server that is named in the license keyfile.

If you are not sure which server this is, click the License Key Administration button. When the display updates, you will find the server name at the far right end of each keyfile line. An MDL commercial license key may be installed on a license server that has Enterprise license keys installed. The following section contains instructions about how to install license keys on your Moldflow license server.

This is the only configuration required to get the server ready for use. After completing the Moldflow Electronic Registration wizard, you will receive a keyfile from Moldflow. If you have renewed or upgraded your Moldflow licenses, you will also receive a new keyfile. This keyfile needs to be installed on a license server. When clocks need to be adjusted for daylight savings, you should not manually adjust the local clock on a machine.

Instead you should change the local time zone. To configure or shut down the license server once it has been started, you must have the correct user privileges.

Any user who has administrator privileges may start the license server and may also configure the license server, regardless of who started it. After completing the registration wizard, you will receive a keyfile from Moldflow. This file needs to be installed on the license server. The second is to install the keys using the Product Security Administrator on a remote Windows machine. The same user who starts the license server may also configure the license server for example, turn logging on and off.

For MPS 2. This variable specifies the name of the license server. It can be set to "localhost" if the current machine is the license server. MPI 6. With the introduction of MPI 6. With MPI 6. Since the release of MPS 2.



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