- Download Update for Windows RT (KB) from Official Microsoft Download Center

- Download Update for Windows RT (KB) from Official Microsoft Download Center

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How can I upgrade my Windows Surface RT tablet to Windows 10? - Microsoft Community.How to Upgrade to Windows and Windows RT Update 1


If you recall the software giant had to pulled the Windows RT 8. During the weekend I wrote a guide with a set of instructions to help you get your bricked Surface RT tablet up and running again. However, the biggest problem was that users needed to have a previously created a USB recovery drive or needed to find someone with a tablet winddows create the Surface recovery image for Windows RT.

Now the company has just made available the official recovery image for its tablet running on the ARM download windows rt 8.1 free. This will help /27067.txt to fix the problem and continue installing Windows RT 8. Update: While Microsoft keeps working on permanently resolving the issues with its tablet operating system, here is a video that will help you ddownload a USB drive with Windows RT Recovery Image that Microsoft just download windows rt 8.1 free available for everyone to download.

We hate spam as much as you! Unsubscribe any time Powered by follow. Tweet Share Submit. Download the files from Microsoft download center: Surface RT recovery image Download Update: While Microsoft keeps working on permanently resolving the issues with its tablet operating system, here ссылка a video that will help you create a USB drive with Windows RT Recovery Image that Microsoft just made available for everyone to download. Seel all comments. Get the latest tutorials delivered to download windows rt 8.1 free inbox.



Windows RT is available again - Love My Surface.


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