Download oracle net manager windows net manager
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Using Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.- Download oracle net manager windows free
Similar subdirectories are created for other Oracle products. Use the backup copies for installation. Label the copies carefully, and store the original disks in a safe place.
Caution : Do not drag the icons or use the DOS COPY command to make backup copies because the disk volume labels will not be copied the installation process requires proper volume labels.
When you run Windows in enhanced mode without a permanent swap file, Windows attempts to create a temporary swap file, which may not leave enough disk space to install your product. Step 3 Make Sure You Run the Latest Version of the Installer If you have a previously installed version of the Oracle Installer on your hard disk, check to see that your version is up to date. To be certain that you run the latest version of the Installer, Oracle Corporation suggests you run the Installer included in this package.
Click OK. You can receive help during the installation by choosing Using Oracle Installer The Installer will copy itself and some other files temporarily to your hard disk. BAT file, the files are copied to the specified directory. When the Installer quits, it will erase these files. Step 5 Select the Language If this is the first Oracle product you are installing, the Installer will prompt you for the language. Select the language and choose OK.
Step 7 Specify the location of the Oracle home directory Next, the Installer prompts you to specify the location of your Oracle home directory. Enter the drive and directory, or choose OK to accept the default. If you have previously installed Oracle products, your default Oracle home directory will be your previously specified Oracle home directory. If you wish to use your previously installed products with Oracle Network Manager, choose OK to accept the default location.
Read the message stating how much disk space Oracle Network Manager requires and how much disk space is free. These numbers, as well as the Oracle Network Manager version number, may differ on your system. If you have enough free disk space to install Oracle Network Manager, click the Install button. Note : If you chose the From button without an Oracle product disk in the disk drive, choose the Cancel button.
Insert the Oracle Network Manager disk and choose the From button again. If installation or update is needed to the Required Support Files, for example , the Installer prompts you to insert the Required Support Files disk into the floppy disk drive. Insert the disk and choose OK. After the Required Support Files are installed, the Installer prompts you to remove the Required Support Files disk and to perform the same steps if necessary for any other products. After any such updates, the Installer prompts you to put your Oracle Network Manager disk back into your floppy drive to complete the installation process.
This window only lists products that are designed for the V3 Oracle Installer. Choose Exit from the File menu to exit the Installer. Step 5 Specify the location of the Oracle home directory The Installer prompts you to specify the location of your Oracle home directory.
Step 7 Exit When installation is complete, the Installer lists the installed products in the Installed Products window. Use the arrow keys to highlight the product you wish to remove and click the Remove menu. Removing a product in this manner deletes all the files associated with that product from your hard disk.
Removing a product does not delete that product's tables from the database. This is also useful to create Windows icons for products that were installed while running Windows under a different operating system. Configuring Oracle Network Manager for Database Access When users create component information for a network, they can either save the information as a file or save it to a database server. Saving the information to a database conserves disk space on the user's computer and allows other users to access the information.
Furthermore, if Oracle Names is to be used on the network, the network definition must be saved to a database. Follow these steps: Step 1 If there is not already a database available, create one following the instructions in Chapter 2 of the Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.
Building and Removing Tables To build and remove tables, complete the tasks in this section. SQL Warning : Deleting a table will delete all its information. Granting and Revoking User Access to Tables To grant and revoke user access to tables, complete the tasks in this section. SQL You will be prompted for the username. Use the same username used when you set up the account netman.
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